Justina Meets the village Leader

The next morning, Wahca explained to me that I must meet with the village leader, a person that holds
great wisdom about their world. Wahca took me to a large temple, just beyond a clearing past the
village. I waited, scanning Wahca’s face for instruction as to what I should do. As if understanding my
gaze, Wahca said “I cannot enter with you, this is something of great personal importance to you and
you alone. I will wait for you outside.”


I entered the temple, filled with paintings and sculptures depicting figures and events foreign to me.
Someone was waiting for me at the end of the long hallway of artwork, a tall slender figure. Upon
reaching the figure, I saw that this woman, whose lined features and silver hair betray a wisdom beyond
this mortal world is the person I must speak with. “Hello Justina, I’ve been waiting for you. My name is
Atuaca, and I am the keeper of great wisdom in this village. I will explain what this world is. It is a world
between worlds, a world that mirrors your own. Each person in this world is eternally bound to a person
on the outside world that you hail from. When Wahca said she was your sister, she meant a spiritual
sister. The reason we have revealed ourselves to you is that the time has come for you to go through a
spiritual journey, with Wahca as your guide.”


“A spiritual journey?” I asked, in disbelief. “Why would someone like me be worthy of such a thing?”
“The reason”, Atuaca explained, “The reason has to do with what is going on at this juncture of your life.
For eons, we spiritual guides have worked in secret, revealing ourselves to our mortal brethren during
critical times in their lives. Right now, your life is at a great crossroads. One that requires guidance if you
are to find your true inner self. When you spoke to yourself in the mirror, that time became clear to us.
There are many other worlds, each connected through portals, each one representing an aspect of
yourself, of your innermost spiritual journey. You will prepare and travel with Wacha tomorrow, to the
first world you must travel to. The world of your deepest roots of your problems, the very things that
hold you back. Tomorrow, you travel to the world of shadows.”


“This sounds like a lot to think about. What about my life at home? My friends, my loved ones?” I said.
To this Atuaca replied “You will be given time to think on this. Only when you and you alone are ready,
will you decide.”

By Fox Wylde
